Florian LARRUE - Dr. in Cognitive Sciences - CATIE
Hélène SAUZEON - Pr. in Psychology and in Cognitive Sciences - Centre Inria de l'université de Bordeaux - Equipe Flowers
André TRICOT - Pr. in Psychology - Epsylon - Laboratoire de Psychologie Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
Poupard, M., Larrue, F., Bertrand, M., Liguoro, G., Sauzéon, H., & Tricot, A. (2024). The interplay of cognitive load and intrinsic motivation in neuroanatomy learning through immersive technologies. 16th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference, Sydney, 25-27 November.
Poupard, M., Larrue, F., Bertrand, M., Liguoro, D., Tricot, A & Sauzéon, H. (2024). Guided Drawing in Medical Education: Evaluating AR and MR Systems for Anatomy Learning, 4th International Conference on Science and Technology Education, 3-4 October, Porto, Portugal. (Poster)
Poupard, M., Larrue, F., Sauzéon, H., & Tricot, A. (2024). A systematic review of immersive technologies for education: Learning performance, cognitive load and intrinsic motivation. British Journal of Educational Technology, 00, 1–37.
Professional experience
PhD student CATIE / INRIA / EPSYLON - 01/04/2022 to present
“Optimize learning in a digital environment according to learners' level of expertise, epistemic curiosity and mode of instruction.”
Study of the impact of technologies on the cognitive load and curiosity of learners, based on their expertise and instructional design.
R&D Engineer - CATIE - 01/04/2022 to 03/04/2022
Human Factors Specialist
R&D Intern - onepoint Bordeaux - 01/18/2021 to 06/16/2021
Design of a web application measuring the psychological and cognitive functioning of users.
User-centered design, project management, needs analysis, cognitive psychology
Private Tutor - Complétude - Year 2019/2020
High School Mathematics Private Tutor.
Certified Mental Health First Aider - since 07/2024
2019 - 2021
Master's in Cognitive Sciences - University of Bordeaux
Specialization in Technologies, Cognition, Ergonomics, and Disability
Internship: User-centered design of the web app Beyond the Wellness.
Onepoint Bordeaux - R&D Department
Team "Handicap, Activité, Cognition et Santé"
2016 - 2019
Bachelor’s in Mathematics and Computer Science Applied to Human and Social Sciences - Specialization in Cognitive Sciences - University of Bordeaux
Member of the ASCOERGO association